Friday, July 15, 2016

How To Lose Belly Fat - Hint, No Cardio, Situps, or Diet - Lose 4 Inches of Belly Fat in 26 Days

You want something new and exciting... and that's what I have for you. Here's how to lose belly fat (specifically - lose 4 inches of belly fat in 26 days) without any diet, situps, or the typical bogus cardio stuff like running on a treadmill.

How To Lose Belly Fat

Here are 3 out-of-the-ordinary belly fat exercises that will allow you to lose belly fat fast.

Lose Belly Fat Exercise #1: The Belly Rub

This is my favorite belly fat exercise and it takes all of 40 seconds to do. First, you need to rub your hands together for 10-15 seconds to create kinetic heat energy (I'll explain briefly). Next, you take 1 hand and start rubbing around your belly button in small circles.

Rubbing your belly in circles should last about 25-30 seconds. That's it. Do 3-5 minutes of this each day.

Ok, now the idea behind that. Belly fat (all fat) doesn't like heat. Any type of environment where your core body temperature gets elevated increases your body's fat burning abilities. So by rubbing your hands and creating kinetic heat energy... and then rubbing one of those hands on your belly... you're creating a localized area of higher internal temperatures.

And... it's right on your belly fat. The heat from your hands pass through your skin and right into the belly fat deposits. This heat will help "persuade" and loosen up some of the fat to dissolve or break off and be carried away in the blood.

Soon after that, that fat will be excreted by you in either your urine, feces, or sweat.

Oh yeah, 1 quick tip before I go on to the next belly fat exercise. To generate more heat quicker, lick one of your hands before you rub them together. Seriously... it works!

Lose Belly Fat Exercise #2: Vacuum Pose

This exercise is similar to sucking in your belly, but there is a key difference. While standing up, you need to visualize your belly button getting sucked into your lower back when you do this. This will help you to suck in your belly at the correct point... which is your belly button.

Lead with your belly button when you suck in your belly.

This exercise doesn't provide much for weight loss, but it's the quickest way to lose inches from your waist while toning up your belly. I'll repeat that. This exercise is the quickest way you can lose inches from your waist!

Anyway, when you do the vacuum pose, suck in your belly for a minimum of 15 seconds each time. Eventually, try to build up to holding in your sucked-in belly for 1 minute at a time. Do this exercise for 5 minutes everyday.

Lose Belly Fat Exercise #3: Jumping on a Mini-trampoline

Ok, first off, you can get a mini-trampoline for about $25. Wal-Mart has them. Now, this is probably my favorite piece of equipment. It allows me to stay home to workout. You're going to jump on the mini-trampoline, but it won't be like that typical gym cardio.

I want you to jump on it for 2 minutes at a time. Nothing more. Now, don't worry... you don't need to jump high for this to be effective. In fact, you barely lift your heels off the thing. A lot of times, my toes don't even leave the surface of it... just my heels lift off and sway left to right in a nice rhythm.

What I found that works best for me is to do these 2 minute intervals during tv commercials. The typical tv show has about 22 minutes of commercials each hour. So there's your 22 minutes of working out... without you having to make a special trip anywhere.

The 22 minutes breeze by... all the while as you watch tv. What can be better than that?

Now, you don't need to limit yourself to just doing these during tv commercials. Do them whenever. What I do is I jump on it for 2 minutes whenever I get a chance... morning, afternoon, or night. The 2 minutes here and there add up. But I also have a routine of doing them while I watch my favorite tv shows at night... 4 days a week, 22 minutes each night.

So how did I do?

Did I not deliver on my promise to give you some cool and fun belly fat exercises! And yes... I had 1 client who lost 4 inches off her waist in 26 days doing just these 3 exercises... without making any changes to her diet or exercise routine. I've also had numerous other clients lose 2-3 inches in a month doing these.

If you don't know how to lose belly fat after reading this article, I don't know what to say. This is not brain surgery. You just need to get up off your butt and do these things. Now go lose some belly fat before you make me mad! Smile. Kidding.

Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Intense Workout Routines - How Intense is Needed For Fat Loss?

It is quite obvious that in order to burn A LOT of fat, you will eventually have to deal with a lot of intense workout routines to accelerate results of your chosen diet, assuming you have chosen a 'comfortable' eating pattern with more-than-average calorie deficit. Some may have no idea how intense they should be. Is it low intensity for beginners and progress or high intensity for fast results?

Intense Workout Routines

Push yourself but not too much that you get beat and are mentally drained to do other things in life
Brad Pilon is one of the best bloggers I have encountered in the fitness industry. He believes that a good workout routine is a combination of workout routines and diet to become very lean. A mindset of workout routines to create muscle, muscle definition and accelerate fat burning without being too bulky is the way to go while letting a diet pattern with a large calorie deficit deal with fat loss.

The Effect of Low Intensity in Fat Loss

There was some time decades ago where fat burning has only one way: and that was to spend a lot of time doing a low intense cardiovascular exercise (a.k.a walking on a treadmill or the gym bikes) to get to a 'fat burning zone' for fat loss. There are still times that I see people do this in the gym, especially for beginners. Maybe because of lack of information on what really works or as a beginner they just follow what every one else does.

Studies have shown that interval workout routines burn more fat than low and long cardiovascular exercises sessions. To put it this way, you will not burn as much calories and may be wasting a lot of time doing a lot of cardiovascular exercises where it can be spent in short, intense workout routines and then spending time on other things.

Interval Training Workout Routines Works Best But Not Too Much

Interval training involves an interval between moderate effort or short rest then a burst of sudden, quick and aggressive work. Not all people are designed for high intensity workouts like interval training, and the good thing is it can be toned down according to your fitness level.

In a treadmill, 10-15 minutes is more or less good if you are just starting out. Walking for a minute then running as fast as you can for 30 seconds is the ideal pattern of interval training.

Too intense workout routines can result to a situation like: getting really tired and beat up then doing nothing and just eating for the rest of the day. Brad Pilon calls this the Activity Sine Wave, which means over compensating with rest due to an intense workout.

Rusty Moore of fitness black book has used the term H.G.H flush to indicate an 'ideal' workout routine intensity. You can simply determine if your efforts are enough if your skin feels hot and experience some shortness of breath.

You will still dictate the intensity of your workout routines. Push yourself but not too much that you get beat and are mentally drained to do other things in life. Fat loss can be achieved by a diet pattern so you do not have to get pressured by pushing yourself too much in your exercise routine.

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